Years Experience


I write about data & analytics solutions
20,000+ hours of experience providing Data & Analytics solutions
I believe you can learn a lot from others experience hence I share my experience with the world hoping to help someone

Spark + Python = PySpark
Two of my favorite technologies. I just love building pyspark applications.
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Redshift Stored Procedures
Working with Stored Procedures on Redshift ? Check this easy to understand blog that will solve all your doubts. That’s my guarantee…
There are four common ways to create a table in Amazon Redshift. Check which one is best for your use-case & load some data.
Redshift Create Table & Copy data from S3
Preparing for AWS Certificates ? Check how I prepared for my AWS certificates & was able to clear it easily with confidence.
AWS Certificate – My experience & preparation
Do you need assistance to learn & grow in AWS technologies especially in building Data & Analytics solutions.
AWS – Data & Analytics Online Classes & custom course
Popular videos on Youtube
AWS Data Engineering – Crash Course
This video is a crash course on AWS covering services like Amazon Redshift, AWS Glue, Amazon EMR & MWAA.
Solve Complex SQL Queries
Use the most innovative method to solve SQL queries using SQL Breakdown Structure.
Data Model for beginners
4 types of ETL Scripts
SQL Pattern System
PySpark for beginners
Do you want to learn PySpark ? Check this beginner friendly video – PySpark for absolute beginners.
Teradata automated script generator
If you work on Teradata & generate load scripts like TPT , Fastload or Multiload then try this free online utility to generate import scripts in seconds.
Everything you must know about Teradata Parallel Transporter is in this post. A perfect guide for beginner with many examples & detailed explanation
What is Teradata TPT ?
Teradata uses hashing algorithm to parse the value of index column. Depending on that it decides the hash bucket and eventually the AMP that stores the data.
Teradata data distribution & indexes
Teradata Stored Procedures are used to extend the utility of SQL by allowing constructs like loop, conditional statements, dynamic statements etc.
Teradata Stored Procedures

Generate Data Model using Python
Use this free python utility to generate Data Model from existing SQL Queries.
Use existing SQL to build missing Data Model

Read my take on data solutions
If you are into Data & Analytics then check my blogs now & I am sure you will find something interesting to read today.
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Contact me
Need any help with Data Warehouse , ETL , AWS – Data & Analytics, Teradata or anything related with Data. Send me an email now